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  • Here to Stay in Louisville, Kentucky

    New name. New look.

    Your industry trade show has called Louisville, Kentucky, home for nearly 40 years.

    In the early 1980s, the city of Louisville approached the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute with an idea: Why not create a trade show dedicated to outdoor power equipment? There was already a pavilion for OPE at the Farm Show, which was held in the city each year. OPEI and the city worked together, and EXPO was born.

    Louisville is the perfect place for the trade show. It’s a city like no other—a great mix of Southern charm and urban life. It’s easy to get to, and easy to get around in once you’re here. The city and region offer plenty of opportunities to explore places and experiences you can’t find anywhere else.

    From the moment you touch down at Muhammad Ali Airport, or drive across the river and into town, Louisville welcomes you as part of our industry.

    The city and the industry have changed a lot since the 1980s, and so has your trade show. In 2019, Equip Exposition (formerly GIE+EXPO) was named the sixth-largest trade show in the country, and it’s the most comprehensive event for the landscape, outdoor living, and equipment industry.

    The trade show and the industry have a home here, and we continue to invest in the city that helped start this experience so many years ago. It’s proved a popular location: Every year, tens of thousands of people descend on the city for a week in October, selling out the hotels and filling up the restaurants, sharing ideas, and testing the latest technologies.

    Equip Expo is the industry’s family reunion. We’ll see you in Louisville.

    Here to Stay in Louisville, Kentucky-0e560780-3df3-449e-a756-4ab0278c8bf8
    Here to Stay in Louisville, Kentucky-0e560780-3df3-449e-a756-4ab0278c8bf8

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